
Spanish Pyrenees: a dizzying ascent to overcome the pain.

Categories : Ehandicap World Records, Sport, Favorite
Spanish Pyrenees: a dizzying ascent to overcome the pain.

Crédit Photo :

The ascent of the Pic de Posets (Spanish Pyrenees), a challenge for seasoned sportsmen, a feat for Cédric Andrieu and Eddy Estripeau, suffering from three severe chronic diseases. The first contracted two cancers in two years, the second lives with hemorrhagic colitis, combined with COPD, an inflammatory lung disease that forces him to perform several sessions of respiratory physiotherapy per day, and ankylosing spondylitis, a disabling joint pathology. Together, they take on crazy challenges to deliver a message of hope: "Anything is possible! they proclaim in chorus, urging them to "fight  against pain"  

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